Category Archives: Assault

3 Things You Did NOT Know About Florida Assault Charges
The term assault is often used interchangeably with an attack or other violent offense, but Florida’s criminal statutes include very specific definitions when it comes to charging someone with a crime. To further complicate things, state laws refer to battery both as a distinct offense and an associated crime depending on the circumstances. When… Read More »

Comparing Rape to Other Sex Crimes Under Florida Law
Rape is an extremely serious offense under Florida law, but people can often get confused about the relevant legal concepts because it often gets lumped into the larger classification of sex crimes. Florida law provides for numerous types of offenses under this umbrella, starting from lesser offenses like prostitution and solicitation. Because they involve… Read More »

Your Guide to Understanding Florida Assault and Battery Crimes
You hear the phrase “assault and battery” tossed around often in conversation, on the news, and in film, to the point where you probably think the terms are interchangeable. While they are often discussed together, however, the Florida statute on assault, battery, and related offenses draws numerous distinctions. If you do not have a… Read More »

Comparing Assault and Battery to Florida Domestic Violence Charges
There is no question that legal terminology can be complex and confusing, and this is definitely true about Florida criminal laws on assault, battery, and related offenses. There are multiple sections for different crimes, and the provisions offer no explanation as to how they impact domestic violence offenses. When you do not have a… Read More »

When Can a Bar Fight Lead to Battery Charges?
People may make mistakes or use poor judgment after drinking, which is why bars and taverns are common locations for fights to break out. Unfortunately, when management calls police and officers arrive, it won’t matter who started it or whether your actions were justified. You could be arrested for battery, and possibly even aggravated… Read More »

What’s the Difference Between Assault and Battery Under Florida Law?
Though assault and battery are often used interchangeably, and are commonly assumed to be the same criminal offense, these are actually two distinct crimes under state law. The Florida criminal code contains the essential definitions, but the language can be very complex. If you were arrested for assault, battery, or both, the best way… Read More »

Comparing Florida’s Simple and Aggravated Assault Laws
While the term “assault” is often accompanied by the word “battery,” it is actually a distinct crime under Florida law. There is a lot of confusion surrounding assault offenses because of the fact that you do not need to actually come into physical contact with the victim to be arrested. Another aspect of assault… Read More »

Death in Southwest Florida Road Rage Incident Could Lead to Criminal Assault Charges
A shooting incident that occurred on July 11, 2017 in Three Oaks, Florida remains under investigation as a potential road rage incident, according to a report in Southwest Florida’s online news source, Just before 8:30 p.m., sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of shots fired, with the understanding that the incident was related… Read More »

Aggravated Assault Charges in Florida
A 911 call for help ended under bizarre circumstances, as the man who summoned help acted aggressively toward responding officers and was shot as a result. The call came into Plant City, Florida police around 5 a.m. on July 6, 2017, according to the Tampa Bay Times. The driver of a car claimed that… Read More »