Category Archives: Domestic Violence

How A Domestic Violence Injunction Affects Other Court Proceedings In Florida
If you were recently served with paperwork under Florida’s law on domestic violence injunctions, your life has most certainly been turned upside down. After reviewing the court documents, you know that you are prohibited from contacting the accuser and being present where that person resides or frequents. You might also be instructed to refrain… Read More »

Understanding 2 Types of Domestic Violence Cases
Few Florida laws are as baffling and complex as those covering domestic violence, and much of the confusion stems from a fundamental legal concept: There are TWO cases implicated when someone accuses you of domestic violence. They are separate and distinct processes, one being criminal and the other civil in nature; you may face… Read More »

Florida Domestic Violence Cases and Implications for Your Job
Criminal domestic violence charges are extremely serious because of the potential punishment for a conviction, which may include at least 10 days in jail under Florida’s domestic violence mandatory minimum sentencing. However, a conviction – or even just an arrest – can affect many other aspects of your life. Domestic violence charges carry a… Read More »

Social Media in Florida Domestic Violence Cases
Many people think of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms as a vehicle for expressing themselves. They can share their experiences, thoughts, and insights through many formats, including words, photos, images, and created content. What you may not realize is how far your posts can reach, which may be a specific concern if… Read More »

Implications of a Permanent Domestic Violence Injunction in Florida
If someone has accused you of domestic violence, you may be shocked to find out that some legal proceedings have already taken place without your knowledge. This is because Florida’s statute on domestic violence allows a person to obtain an injunction against you, even when you weren’t provided with official notice. However, this initial… Read More »

False Claims of Child Abuse: Do’s and Don’ts to Protect Your Rights
With public awareness about child abuse at an all-time high, officials will take immediate action to protect children when they receive reports about violations of the law. At minimum, you can expect a thorough investigation into the most intimate details of your life. Under of Florida’s statute on Abuse of Children, any act that… Read More »

How Can a Protective Order Be Entered Without Notice?
If a police officer shows up at your door and hands you a packet including a Florida temporary protective order for domestic violence, you’ll probably be pretty confused over what just happened. You may wonder how any legal proceeding affecting your rights could take place without you knowing about it. A Fort Lauderdale domestic… Read More »

Four Types of Protective Orders Under Florida Law
State law allows a victim to obtain an order from the court to prohibit a person from engaging in certain acts that would normally be lawful, such as contacting the victim or being present in some locations. These protective orders are usually based upon a previous instance of violence, and they serve to safeguard… Read More »

Criminal and Civil Orders of Protection in Florida
Florida law allows certain individuals to file a petition for an order of protection in situations involving domestic violence, but the process and implications for the accused can vary considerably. If you are facing allegations of domestic battery, you are probably confused about the proceedings and how the matter affects your rights. Because an… Read More »

The Impacts Of Florida Domestic Violence Crimes On Firearms Rights
An arrest on misdemeanor domestic battery charges will have serious, wide-ranging consequences for the mayor of Royal Palm Beach, Florida. The Miami Herald reported on November 14, 2017 that a protective order was entered by the judge overseeing the case, directing the man from having no contact with the victim. While the victim was… Read More »